Looking to hire an sfd grad or student intern?

hire an SFD Graduate

Our SFD graduates are technically proficient in all levels of Patternmaking, Clothing Construction, Fashion Sketching, CAD, and more! Our graduates have completed an in-depth 20 course curriculum to earn this certificate in fashion design from SFD.
If you would like to speak to us about hirng an SFD graduate please contact: jleclerc@sfdboston.org

hire an SFD Student Intern

We are excited to collaborate with local fashion brands, designers, and industry professionals to offer our talented fashion design students internship opportunities. These hands-on experiences allow students to apply creative analysis, pattern drafting, garment construction and CAD skills they have learned here at SFD in real-world settings—while providing your company with highly skilled emerging talent.

We look forward to working with you to create a dynamic and inspiring internship experience that benefits both your company and our students. 
Contact our Executive Director, Jennifer Leclerc with questions or to post an internship opportunity: jleclerc@sfdboston.org

what we ask of our Internship partners:

  • SFD faculty members may not serve as the SFD student internship employer for course credit for the Certificate program without advance approval from the Executive Director.

  • A student’s existing paid employment can not simultaneously serve to satisfy the student’s SFD internship course.

  • The internship employer agrees to follow Fair Labor Standards for Internships as outlined by the U.S. Department of Labor.

  • Unpaid internships create equity issues and put lower income students at a disadvantage. The U.S. Department of Labor requires for-profit companies to provide financial compensation to intern employees. Non-profit organizations are not required by law to pay interns. SFD encourages non-profit employers to consider monetary compensation or a stipend if possible.

  • The internship employers will give both SFD administrators and the student intern a job description, including a start and end date to the internship.

  • The internship employer agrees to provide a safe work environment in a professional setting and cannot be located in a private residence or non-commercial setting.

  • The internship employer must identify an internship supervisor to be the point of contact for the student intern and SFD administration.

  • The Internship employer agrees to acknowledge and comply with SFD Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies in interactions with the student intern.

  • The internship supervisor ensures that the SFD student intern’s work responsibilities are appropriate for their learning and professional development, and duties may not include personal tasks or errands for company staff.

  • The internship employer provides necessary equipment for the student to be able to perform work involved in the internship responsibilities. The employer also ensures that the student intern is not asked to use their personal car other than their own commute.

  • The internship supervisor agrees to fill out a mid-semester and final student evaluation to SFD administrators.

Have questions or ready to connect with an SFD student intern?
Contact our Executive Director, Jennifer Leclerc with questions or to post an internship opportunity: